The world isn’t as big as we think it is. Our little corner may be excited about Thing A, but that does not mean everybody feels the same way, as much as it seems like it.
Eric Sink, from Baptists and Boundaries:
One of my favorite things about the web is all the individual communities that live there in the form of discussion boards. The web connects people in ways that were never possible before. When we find ourselves in a discussion forum with people from five different continents, that forum looks really big. But it’s still just five people.
The niches of niches are pretty interesting to me, but they can be dangerous. If you find yourself caught in this trap, it may be time to think bigger.
As I said in Everybody rarely means everybody:
Sometimes I read Webmaster forums, and I’m perplexed at how popular it is for participants to create their own Webmaster resources. Why? Because they see it as a lucrative business to be in because everybody cares about it like they do.
Read Eric’s entire piece and, unless you’re Baptist, check out the joke.