No matter what anyone does, says, or thinks, Barry Bonds is one swing away from the most prestigious record in baseball. I’m pretty jazzed about that, not as a Giants fan (though I am one), but as a baseball fan. I’ve enjoyed watching Yahoo!’s Major League Baseball page track the homers.
I’m also a web geek, so I peeked in at the code and realized I could see into the future.
I looked at the URL of the image with Bonds in his current state, tied with Hank Aaron. As a test, I changed out a couple of characters and was surprised to see Yahoo! already has the record-breaking images on their server.
So, whenever Bonds breaks the record, we’ll see one of two options on Yahoo!’s MLB site:
Personally, I hope it’s the fireworks graphic. Regardless of whether you feel Bonds’ record is rightfully tainted, the feat should be celebrated. It’s been 33 years since Aaron made his mark, and it will be at least seven years before we see it broken again.
Great find, that’s pretty funny. I kinda like the Aaron one, with him looking over the whole thing and gives respect to his accomplishments while still giving Barry his due. It’ll be interesting to see which one is picked.
Aaron looks like he’s hanging his head in defeat on the left, then deciding, “Wait, the sports media loves me and hates Bonds. Maybe he’ll get an asterisk!” on the right.