At the risk of seeming like a complete boozer, I love this Portland bars magazine site. It’s a great example of truly local search and I have been using it to find new haunts for a couple months.
My favorite feature is the category chooser, which allows me to select several amenities and find a bar that matches those characteristics. For example, my oft-visited downtown Happy Hour list. Recently, a new friend and fellow web geek Kyle Ritter took over the site and has made the category chooser results shareable.
Now I can send my friends direct links to preppy rock and roll joints, or point someone to the very few bars frequented by both hippies and hipsters.
A shareable URL is something I’ve mentioned before here and it is one of my Five Tips to Make Your Site Work, which is available on my company site.
Yikes! Talk about your busy home page!! I was originally going to ask, “So, where’s their RSS feed?, but not wanting to look like an idiot, I went to see if I could find one (it’s there on the left, if you scroll to the very bottom of the page). But my eyeballs went into shock when I first hit the site. At 50, I guess I’m not part of the target demographic.