For what it’s worth, I’m not usually one for cliches. It’s like there’s no there there, only on steroids.
After watching my nephews, I was stranded at the airport for an extra five hours Sunday night. There was plenty of actual work I could have done, but instead I decided to pound out this site:
At The End Of The Day – Cream of the cliche crop
This grabs items from Yahoo! News and Google Blogsearch that contain the cliched phrase “at the end of the day.” That’s it. There really isn’t any there here. But it was fun and it makes me giggle. And here’s an easy way to show up on ATEOTD… put the phrase in a blog post!
According to a tool I use to track my domain ideas, I first looked up on June 8. I did it again on July 23. I registered the domain July 25. And now I’m announcing it August 8. I’m agile, baby!
And the project was truly bootstrapped. Funded soley by the $6 food voucher from Alaska Airlines (sandwiches cost $9), I worked quickly, releasing early and often.
There’s room for other cliches on ATEOTD. Some of them I’ve used in this post. If you have favorites, write them in the comments and you may see it added, because at the end of the day, it’s other people’s ideas that I value most.
It’s funny, that’s one I just recently found myself using, and made myself stop. Collecting cliches is a great idea–it’s like bird watching.
But for probably the same reason that as soon as I walk into a record store I can’t remember a single album that I wanted–even if I was thinking of a bunch on the way inside–I’m having a hard time choosing a good cliche for you to add…
Interesting. It’s harder than you’d think to think of a cliche phrase on the spur of the moment. When all is said and done, I have to admit that i have no idea what to suggest.
But anyway, isn’t this whole business just chasing after the wind? I think it’s high time you stop monkeying around, pull your head out of your ass, and take a good look at what the real world has to offer. Actually, strike that and forget about it. Put it completely out of your mind, because i’m just pulling your leg. When it comes right down to it, you’re a person who really knows your stuff. You’ve got it all together. The world is yours for the taking.
Hey, wait a minute! All of the sudden, cliches are everywhere. I just needed something to get me going, to get the lead out and help me press on to the finish line. If i can just stay the course, i’m sure that i, too, can be someone who is really going places. I can make it big! You just gotta give me a chance. Just believe in yourself, and you can change the world! You know, really make a difference in this hard-knock life, that is, unless the hard truth is that it’s all who you know. In that worst case scenario, there can be no doubt that i’m in for it. Let’s face it, i’m really screwed up when it comes to stuff like that. I suppose there’s nothing for it; it really can’t be helped. So why don’t you just cry me a river and blow this joint so we can get the hell out of here.
Oh no, look at the monster you’ve created! The cat is out of the bag! Please, somebody stop me! I’m going out of my mind with all this nonsense. It’s making me crazy and driving me up the wall. I’ve had it up to here with these cliches. Really, i just can’t take it anymore! Oh, the humanity! Please let there be an end to this sad sob story!
P.S. For what it’s worth, GoDaddy says is ripe for the picking. More fun than a barrel of’s.
Ok, so i didn’t quit while i was ahead and now am really feeling down in the dumps. Still, if i may throw caution to the wind and go out on a limb, i just have to ask if i get extra credit for mixing cliche metaphors. If so, it would really make my day. 🙂
I’m really on a roll now! 🙂
Sorry, i realize that last one was totally out of line. I’m ashamed of myself, but at this point in the game, why stop now?
Oops, i did it again. My bad.
I knew someone would come out with a full arsenal of them. And you’re certainly firing! You may have got all of them. Or, should I say, you’ve dotted every I and crossed every T?