Today I pulled the plug on my oldest remaining website, Technically, I moved it, marking its transition away from being my personal website.
It was always the spot for my Web experiments. When the tests were about user-contributed content, it sort of became a way of experimenting with everyone’s ideas. And I liked that, for the most part. At Snarf!, those will continue on, without the confusion of being my namesake. I like that, too.
And it’s fitting that, as a final Web experiment with what was formerly known as, I tried out 301 redirects for a full site’s worth of content. Hopefully, this will keep old links to specific pages active.
I don’t really intend to eulogize the site. It’s moving in a natural direction, so it’s pretty much still alive. My friend Jon wrote a thoughtful piece last summer that pretty much covers the progression that led to this decision.
My first 457 Haiku on Snarf!:
Things look the same / But different, too / Makes you want to say, “Oh Snarf!”
It’s certainly a different world today than when the old went up. Here’s to as many playful, inventive, and baffling interactions with Snarf!