It was almost three months ago when I hinted about bootstrapping a new project. As much as I believe in getting things out there quickly, I often find myself faltering right before launch. Such was the case with onBLOCK.
So, sans fanfare, I would like to announce my simple spam solution.
This probably is not a product for the more technically-minded person. But if you receive email at one address (think Earthlink, AOL, etc.), consider empowering yourself with multiple email addresses.
If you would be so kind to take a look and give me criticism (of the constructive ilk), I would be thankful. You can leave comments below, or use this contact form.
There was something you were working on ;-). Nice, very simple and effective. This is a very good test of the bootstrapping idea. A couple questions come to mind. What’s the advantage to using onBLOCK over spamgourmet and other disposable address tools? What happens when sites start to put onblock addresses in their blacklist and don’t accept them? You’ve identified your target market, how do you plan on reaching them?
Good luck with it!
Good Qs, Ryan. Thanks!
The advantage of onBLOCK is that here someone actually wants to get some email from a site, but wants to be careful about giving someone full access to their inbox. With onBLOCK, they have the power to shut off or turn on the stream on a per-address basis.
I would hope not to be blacklisted, but I’m sure that sort of short-sitedness is inevitable. If onBLOCK gets big enough to be noticed like that, I’d be happy, and then I’d go about solving the problem.
As for how to reach my target market… whew! That’s the lesson I’m trying to learn.