Over at that famous biography site I help with, there is a random profile of the day. We look at the bundle of over 2,500 famous people and pick one at random to be plastered on the front page that day.
Yesterday it was John Cusack.
Because I’m paranoid about the code I wrote to provide a snippet of the profile, I receive an email every day with the “profile du jour.” I did a double-take and had to check my archives when I saw that…
Today’s profile is John Cusack.
The likelihood, if I may get technical, of the same random profile being chosen two days in a row is one in 6.25 million. That computer has good taste, picking one of my favorite actors two days in a row.
For those who believe in miracles, check in tomorrow and see whether Cusack makes it a hat trick (tech details: 1 in 15.6 billion).
Could we have affected it by watching Better off Dead?