I received six copies of this spam from yesterday evening to now:
Hits 52 Week High and Still Climbing Strong.
We saw DKDY at $1.31 on Wednesday and we feel its going to $5.00 on unexpexted news.
“Unexpexted,” indeed. The stock had its IPO recently, so “52 week high” is true, though misleading. Nevertheless, the stock is at $1.87 today.
It’s possible the stock got there on its own merit, but it’s a little fishy that the company’s website looks like this:
I’m not saying the company itself did this. I can’t imagine this having long-term viability worth the time and money of an IPO. But someone is driving up demand by sending spam. And with only 600,000 shares, it seems like this wouldn’t be that tough with access to millions of email addresses. You only need a handful of schmucks.
If it weren’t so sleazy, it might be brilliant
In a way, it’s the schmucks who are to blame for this. If they didn’t lose money on it, the spammers wouldn’t gain.
My web site not only gets the spam, but also lots of bounced mail (backscatter) because some jerk is using my web site as a forged return address in the spam. Grrrr. Here’s my list of hyped stocks: http://www.donwright.com/stockfraud/