If your site counts on contributions from visitors, you need to make it easy. Someone participating in discussion or adding their expertise is your equivalent of getting paid. If you’re looking to sell something, you’d want to make it easy to get paid, so of course you’d want to make it easy for someone to share.
My friends at Needmore have a great nugget in their Gone Raw newsletter about how simplicity has been important for the site’s success.
We were thrilled that many of you mentioned the versatility and simplicity of Gone Raw. Not only because it’s what we strive for as web designers, but because if Gone Raw is easy to use, more people will contribute!
Indeed, simplicity was there from the beginning. When the site debuted, I wrote about how it represented the recipe for a kickin’ project.
Thanks for the kind words, Adam! The simplicity has definitely helped us to stand out of a field that’s already remarkably crowded.