I’m working really hard here to understand what makes people do stuff like… start a fan site, dedicated to an 11 year-old actress, written in ALL CAPS, embedded with a MIDI of a Billy Joel song, and obviously cared about for over a week (news page spans Aug. 5 – Aug. 14).
I think once I understand this, I’ll understand the Internet. Insights? Anyone?
Seriously, this artificial attachment to a famous person makes many sites, including the famous encyclopedia I help with, tick. It’s the same sort of enthusiasm that has made so many people leave BackFence comments (good and bad) for Memphis and Minneapolis on BestPlaces.
I may not understand why it is so, but it’s a great lesson about the web, business, and business on the web. Find your visitors’ passions. And let them express it.
Watch I Am Sam again and tell me you don’t love that little girl.
she is such a sweetheart. and I dare anybody to challenge me on this unless they’ve seen “TAKEN”.
That’s when I saw her first. and she completely ripped my heart out.
that little sweetie rules.