I still bristle a bit about the term “Web 2.0.” The fact that they had a conference all about it last week is kind of strange, considering how nobody seems to agree on what exactly it is. That said, Kareem Mayan’s eighteen quotes from the Web 2.0 Conference provide lots of great nuggets about building a website in 2005.
A couple of my faves:
“eBay has 150M customers, in the nicest terms, that’s 150M people who have learned to trust strangers.” – eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, on how business can be an engine of positive social change
“[In 5-10 years, the value in media] will be in the companies who can grow audiences, not in those who control content.” – Vinod Khosla, former General Partner at Kleiner Perkins
My favs are 7&8:
8. “Hiring lawyers and suing is a hell of a lot easier for the average corporation than being creative.” – former FCC head Michael Powell, on why content companies are suing their customers
7. “I tell our engineers, ‘no matter how bright you are, there will always be more people outside the company’s walls that are brighter so we need to provide them with tools to innovate.'” – Omidyar likes the wisdom of crowds, too