This morning Mike Duffy sent along this wacky traffic scheme:
My friend who became a multi-millionaire from internet marketing bet me $1 Million dollars that I couldn’t send 2 million visitors to an individual website by his birthday, April 18th 2006.
Seth Godin see it as a poker site’s obviously transparent ploy for traffic. It seems to be working. The counter was at 30,000 this morning, now it’s at 67,000. I witnessed it go up at about 200 visits per minute.
I, too, was a little skeptical, given the guy felt the need to hide affiliate links. Everywhere that his page mentions, he links to to I don’t have a problem with affiliate programs, but you have to wonder why he is hiding it.
Google doesn’t list any page with his affiliate code, meaning it’s probably new. The affiliate code makes me think this might not be a poker site. It could be a real guy.
Now, whether he really bet his finger is another question. But I’ve watched me a little bit of poker on TV (during SNL commercials) and those players might just be crazy enough to do something like this. Another meaning of “all in,” I suppose. Someone should tell his friend that life is not a zero sum game.
He can save his finger by hitting refresh 2 million times. That counter doesn’t count unique 2 million.
it does now.
hope u save it