If you’ve been to a conference recently, chances are you’ve heard a speaker say, “I’ll put these on SlideShare.” The website makes it easy to post and view slides by providing a Flash player, eliminating the trouble of large files and presentation software compatibility.
Already it’s simple, but they make things even easier by making registration optional. You can upload slides and share them without creating an account. Then, if you change your mind, when you register the presentations will become part of your account.
SlideShare is an excellent example of something I asked for over two years ago. I suggested we should make 2006 the Year of the Optional Registration. It’s a shame SlideShare is a rarity. Maybe 2008?
There are so many reasons why people want to require registration, with it mostly coming down to control. Making an account is something I do after I have sampled what you have to offer. The more of a sample you give me, the better.
It’s another version of the freemium model. Before you pay with your time to register, you should have the opportunity to test things out.
Way to go, SlideShare. Way to be optional!
Gosh, I tried to comment here earlier but then it made me register! J
You did a good job of bringing something up that people would normally take for granted. I never realized how rare it was before. Nice!
I’m in total agreement here. I often turn away from sites that make me register upfront. I just don’t want to spend the time before I’ve even sampled what your site has to offer.